Sunday, June 19, 2005


Originally uploaded by skinica.
Its been too long since I've graced y'all with my words (i'm special). So, here's a quick rundown of why I've been busy. When I got to the States June 5 I started a shake-down in my room. All crap must go. Little did I know I'd find more crap that my parents thought was mine in there. It took a while. A random good thing that my parents put in the room while I was gone is a hammock. Awesome to rock yourself in your own room while watching TV.

Then I went to NYC and NJ for a week, to see the cousins, celebrate graduations, and see Monica and the fam. Good times were had by all. I suprsed people at the graduation party, which was awesome to do. I also had din din at my friend Basta's house. Great family. He's got a 97 year old home in Brooklyn that is gorgious. I also had my first trip to Coney Island and had Nathan's hotdogs with Monica and Chris Sullivan. Good times.

In NJ I saw Philadelphia (I know its not in NJ), went to the Jersey Shore, which is pretty impressive despite the freezing water, and went to a young Kathleen O'Malley's graduation. Thanks for the good times.

Now it's Father's Day stuff, so adios. Enjoy life!

ps-that's a picture of the beautiful mandy above. she's my true love.

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