Sunday, May 29, 2005

The Three Amigos

Originally uploaded by skinica.
Do do justice to my boy, Steve, from London, I include this photo of London in March where he was great enough to spend an evening with us and take us around the stupid touristy parts of town. He also was the hook up in London this time, despite the fact that he was over and under and all kinds of whelmed with his final paper. Steve, you are the man!

Temple in the sky

Temple in the sky
Originally uploaded by skinica.
The ruins in Pompei. Pretty impressive. Its a huge place.


Originally uploaded by skinica.
My dinner view. There is nothing wrong in Capri. Except, I guess, moving around sucks unless you got a Vespa


Originally uploaded by skinica.
Its been a long time, boys and girls. I's sorry to have left you with kinda sad stuff about frustration without replacing it with happy stuff about me and the world. Now, then, I will leave you with happiness and good times. I just got back from a few days vacation after my papers and before my last/only exam. The papers came back with one top honors, one first honors, and one second honors, which is basically ABC. Sucks for the C, but so is life. I'm going to have a word with the teacher to see if he can give me the one point I need for the B. And the test yesterday was ok. I think I at least got a B. I'm happy.

Now, the travels. Went to London for two night to hang out with Wash U kids, which turned out to be only Sergey Schelmelev, who is the man. Thanks for the good times. You were the best damn host. Hung out also with Brain Lange (see below) and Zack Humphries from Jesuit High School. Good times. We saw Star Wars there, and on the Jubilee Line we did NOT mind the gap. Hell yeah!

Then Italia for Jorge. In Naples I had pizza. Good stuff. Saw a pretty dirty city, but it had some charm to it. Then, for the real reason of the trip, to get my fix of sunlight and palm trees, I went to the island of Capri to chill. Awesome times. Found some cool chicas to hang out with, got a tan, saw the most beautiful sunsets, spent absuurd amounts of money, and had an amazing time. Then a few nights in Sorrent to see Pompei. Look above for some pics! Ciao

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Road to somewhere

Road to somewhere
Originally uploaded by skinica.
I am supposed to be writing a paper right now. I'm supposed to be finishing up with school. I got 1800 words of 3000 down, and I can't concentrate. Its the feeling of freedom that kills me. Or maybe it's that when I get this paper out of the way I will travel around a bit only to come back and take an exam May 28. Maybe its that I really want to read a book I bought. Maybe its that I'm going to miss leaving these Irish kids. Maybe it's that I'm so happy to be going home, where the juice is fresh, the dog loves me, things are clean, and I have my car. I don't know, but I feel restless.

Restlessness, obviously, I guess, is something that everyone deals with. It's just another frustration of life, like the frustrations of exhaustions, of longing, or of anything really. I would then venture to guess that treating these frustrations would be very similar to each other. Finish what needs to be done first. If you can't, find peace and then do it. How do you find peace? Prayer works for me, just as yoga or stretching or whatever work for others. It works for me cause I suck at it, and therefore, when I do it I really try hard to do it in a way that works for me (cause, again, prayer is different for everyone). If it doesn't make sense for you to hear me say I suck and then show how I do it right, tough. It makes sense to me. Anyways, right now I am praying. That is how prayer works in my life. The stop, drop, and pray drills don't affect me much, and I never remember to do them anyways. It's life that is a continual prayer for me. This break from writing is my writing. I guess it's not the writing I'm breaking from, but rather the writing crap that I don't care to write about. I offer my frustration to God, and I hope he's open to taking some more. I know he gets a lot, but he asked for them.

I also think I need to sit up properly and breath better. I've drunk lots of water, so that's not a problem. I slouch. Its bad for you in many ways, not least of which is the afore mentioned breathing......Ok, I think I've prayed myself stupid.

Thank you, God, for the opportunity to get frustrated and for something to look forward to when I overcome it. Adios.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Hello Motto

Quick notes, as they say, to express the thoughts of the day. As I neglected to pick up my friend from the airport yesterday, I realized that I have much much less time here in Ireland that I thought. I go home June 5, have a paper due the 13th, an exam the 28th, and that's it. Damn!, I have to go. I'm off to littler parts of Ireland.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Fern n Me

Fern n Me
Originally uploaded by skinica.
Well, classes have ended for the most part here in Ireland. I have some Latinos visiting me. That made the Irish-Hispanic population jump about 300%. Its nice speaking Spanish with my boy Fernando. Also, Alejandra PdeL is chillin' with her friend in my crib. She's doing the tourist thing while Fern is chilliando with me. We went to a Gaellic Football game, and it was pretty good times. They get into their games, crazy Irish. Wexford was our team, and they got pretty rocked. I guess that's why they were the underdogs. Now, its off to check out the town and drink Guiness like good tourists. Peace.