Monday, May 02, 2005

Fern n Me

Fern n Me
Originally uploaded by skinica.
Well, classes have ended for the most part here in Ireland. I have some Latinos visiting me. That made the Irish-Hispanic population jump about 300%. Its nice speaking Spanish with my boy Fernando. Also, Alejandra PdeL is chillin' with her friend in my crib. She's doing the tourist thing while Fern is chilliando with me. We went to a Gaellic Football game, and it was pretty good times. They get into their games, crazy Irish. Wexford was our team, and they got pretty rocked. I guess that's why they were the underdogs. Now, its off to check out the town and drink Guiness like good tourists. Peace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ciao bello!!!!

It's me, your little mooching friend. Thanks for letting Marnie and I cramp your crib these past several days. You made my life that much brighter. Of course you would - you're Jorge!!

Love you lots!