Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Originally uploaded by skinica.
It is time to reflect a bit on Euro Trip 2005. This is the man I've travelled with most, which you already knew b/c he's mentioned below. His name, Brian Lange. Good guy. Nice, tall parents. Big Notre Dame family. Bigger brother. Don't pick a fight with him. At least I won't (I'm small). Anyways, Langer has been my friend since he moved to Tampa, so 'round 10 years, give or take 3. So it was really nice to travel around with someone who gets yous, doesn't need every action explained, etc. He a good looking guy (ladies, he's available to the highest bidder). Very smart. Full of random facts about history of wherever you end up, which is due to his history buffery. All in all, a winner. Together we did Madrid, Rome, Brussels, Amsterdam, Warsaw, Auschwitz, and Vienna, with London still left. Why make a post about this man and give you random details that no one really cares about? Because I just finished a paper and have nothing else to do before I go to sleep. Goodnight.


Anonymous said...


I REALLY enjoy reading blogs and livejournals WAY too much, and I must say, I've started to stalk yours. ;) Nice to hear about what you're doing- and so happy you're keeping the CKS love alive. Hello to Brian Lange. See you in Tampa one of these days!

Anonymous said...

Oh wait! Another thing! Stephanie Garcia (your cousin, but yeah, you know that) told me that your brother got "robed" or "roped" or something in ...... a South American country? From what I understand it was one of the steps towards ordination... I'm not really sure but just want to say I'm so happy about it!