Sorry, kids, that it's been so long since I wrote. I bet most of you don't even come up to visit the site even now and again. Well, I promise, at least for this coming year, though the site might be neglected, it won't be forgotten, so keep looking up now and again. Once in a while will do since I'm inconsistant. School is kicking my ass right now. LSATs and this and thats and 2 tests coming up, each of which I haven't started studying for so I could keep up with one class that kills and the LSAT which also is killing me. Lots of work to do tomorrow.

The above is a picture I took at the beginning of last year. I hope to make a visit to the confluence here in the STL again this fall. Its too perfect. Now I'm off to a meeting. Peace.
1 comment:
Gregoire, Locke to lead Asian trade mission
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