Tuesday, January 17, 2006

New Leaf

Well, boys and girls, whoever still reads this site, which is probably just me right now, I will be writing a little more frequently from now on, at least once a week. Why? B/c now I know my brother in Peru can read this now and again and it's an easy way for him to see what's going on in my life and catch up with me. He can't write me, but c'est la vie. He probably will be able to in a year or so. Just thought I'd fill you all in. I wish I had downloaded some pictures from the break from my computer at home to my computer at school, but alas, I have not. Nevertheless, keep checking back here now and again to see what I'm up to, what the mood is, how far the thesis is coming along, etc.

And Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Monica said...

I love that I read your blog, and comment occasionally, but we never talk about it.


I love you.