Welcome to all those that were sent here via Orlando's email (ojc14@hotmail.com). I don't ahve the best history of being on top of this blog, but now I have more reason to be.
Right now I am in Marquette University's library, in Milwaukee, WI. I'm here as a Jesuit Volunteer, and will be living in community with 6 other volunteers and working at Catholic Charity's Immigrant Legal Department. That means that I will be taking the bus everymorning to a 9-to-5 as a paralegal helping asylum seakers, people who want to get their family green cards, and domestic violence cases (most often regarding immigrants who married abusive US citizens--they can divorce and still stay in the country and get green cards). The question might be, "Why are they called green cards?" The answer, I don't know. I'm assuming the color is green. Nonetheless, that's my job for one year, while I apply to law and social work schools.
The community mates are great. Each one has a unique personality and has different work , ranging from schools to community planning to homeless and childcare. Of course, whenever one lives in community, things might take some getting used to, but so far things have gone smoothely.
I must leave b/c Marquette is kicking people out of their library soon, so I'll update more. Before that, just a few points.
--I went to Milwaukee's Irish-Fest, the second biggest Irish festival in the US. Great music and lots of craic!
--Orlando's new address is:
Ave. Balaguer
Lote #67B
Lindero Nana
Nana, Lima 8 PERU
--everyone should write to him for a belated birthday wish (Aug 14 he turned 24)
--the Tampa Bay Buccaneers have all but clinched the Super Bowl b/c I say so.
Hasta luego.