Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Here's to Procrastination

There's the picture of the day. And now, for more procrastination...

(c/o katy murphy-lubowicz)
1. smoked a cigar – no
2. crashed a friend's car – mom's
3. stolen a car – no
4. been in love - yes
5. been dumped – 8th grade
6. dumped someone - yes
7. taken shots of alcohol- yes
8. been fired - no
9. been in a fist fight – no, but i shoved a kid into a shed once
10. snuck out of a/your house – no-ish. more like snuck in
11. had feelings for someone who didn't have them back- yes
12. been arrested – no
13. made out with a stranger - not really. did something else, though
14. gone on a blind date – no
15. lied to a friend – yes :(
16. had a crush on a teacher- no
18. seen someone die – no
19. been on a plane – yes
20. thrown up in a bar - no
22. miss someone right now - yes
23. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - yes
24. made a snow angel – yes
25. played dress up – no
26. cheated while playing a game – yes, but not recently, except when i play putt-putt
27. been lonely – yes
28. fallen asleep at work/school – all the time
29. used a fake id - no
30. felt an earthquake – no
31. touched a snake – yes
32. ran a red light - yep
33. had detention – yep
34. been in a car accident - yes
35. hated the way you look – yes
37. been lost – men are never lost
38. been to the opposite side of the country – yes
39. felt like dying – no
40. cried yourself to sleep – no
41. played cops and robbers - yes
42. karaoke – absolutely
43. done something you told yourself you wouldn't – yes
44. laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose- i accidentally drunk from a straw up my nose
45. caught a snowflake on your tongue - yep
46. kissed in the rain - yes...only good in warm rain
47. sang in the shower - when do i not?
48. made love in a park - not yet
49. had a dream that you married someone - i don't remember. i don't think so
50. glued your hand to something – to my other hand
51. got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - no
52. worn the opposite sex's clothes – yes
53. Been a cheerleader – spirit club count?
54. sat on a roof top - yes
55. talked on the phone all night - not strictly speaking, but yes enough
56. ever too scared to watch scary movies alone - yes. Exorcist iii
57. played chicken fight – always
58. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - yes
59. been told you're hot by a complete stranger – yes
60. broken a bone – no (knock on wood)
61. had a 3-some? - nope. but i have been licked by many dogs and puppies all at once

Monday, November 14, 2005

Thanksgiving Time

So we approach the time to go home and appreciate our gifts, our families, our homes, etc. I'm going home to just my folks, which is kinda sad considering that at one time my house was filled with 9 people living there permenantly, not to mention guests we'd have. Yet, I might be making it down to Miami for thanksgiving, to spend time with the family there. Sounds good, but it will be weird not being home. This Thanksgiving will be different. My birthday is November 24. My grandmother's was November 22. She passed away a month ago. I'm over the loss; she was 87 and not enjoying the state she was in. Yet, we always threw a party at our place and invited the usual Nicaraguans. Maybe not this year. It's a shame to end such a great tradition, but so it goes. I guess it's time to start a new tradition.

On another note, Monica is the gal I love. She's not doing so well b/c school is frustrating her into apathy which frustrates her cause she's not an apathetic person. She is overworked, underappreciated, and feels like she's drowning. There are great things in her life, like her friends, her situation, (eh hem) her boyfriend. But it is so hard to appreciate those things when times spent with them are cancelled or retarded due to work, meetings, rehearsals, etc. I hope Thanksgiving break is good to her. She, as far as I know, is staying her because it's prohibitively expensive to go home. It sucks to be away from her family in such a time, and it sucks that a lot of friends won't be here either. Hopefully she'll make it to Decatur and hang out with her illini family, the Koniches, or with her STL family, the Garcia-Maciases. She's loved no matter where she is. I love her a lot. Isn't she purrrty:)

She's gonna kick my ass for including this picture!