Tuesday, March 07, 2006


As I work on this thesis of mine, which has a lot of work left, I have come to realize how biased my parents are about a situation that they see one-sided. And on top of that, how biased people get when they are one step removed from a situation. Basically, everyone has a bias. This much is obvious. But how it comes out is interesting. Let's look at my thesis for example. The Sandinistas were bad news according to my parents, so I thought so too and only got wind of their mistakes.

Turns out the conservatives and the church hierarchy also made some questionable decisions, and so much government has failed in the country because of failing to work together. Also, I noted that I ended up getting aggressive against the bishops of Nicaragua in my writing, which I guess what a way for me to counter my bias. In proofreading, I've tried to calm down both ways and just present the points of good and bad decisions by FSLN and the hierarchy a little more objectively. Writing is hard.

1 comment:

Monica said...

I think you're great! ... But then, I'm biased, right?